Thursday, July 22, 2010

Global Agenda: Sandstorm phase II

    Global Agenda (GA)'s expansion, Sandstorm launched today. I didn't know about this, initially. I logged into GA hoping for some quick games on my sniper Recon. First thing I noticed was that the graphics were different... and shinier. Next, PVP matches were not popping up as fast as they usually do. Then, I remembered about Sandstorm, and how they were going to add new content and "open world" maps. So, I ran through the short quest chain to gain access to the "open world" map and stepped outside.

Sadly, the "outside world" seemed to be a lowbie PVE zone. I was hoping to run into some human enemies, but unfortunately they didn't make it an open PVP zone. The only other major addition that I noticed were 10-man raid instances and a few new lowbie PVE missions. So, Sandstorm turned out to be an expansion that added more PVE and "MMO"-esque content. I might try the 10-man raids at least once, but otherwise I'll be waiting for people to return to queueing for PVP matches. One nice thing that came out of the last round of changes is that GA is completely subscription-free now.

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