The first video is of the Arathi Basin (5-node capture the flag) scenario. A shitty Alliance premade had captured all the nodes and pushed the PUG Horde team I was with back to the spawn point. At this point the PUGs started whining and crying about how we should just let them win so it would be over quickly. This pissed me off greatly and I thought hell no. No way I'm going to sit back and let sucky players get an easy win. So, I snuck off to the Gold Mine to flip the node to delay their win (and hopefully annoy them). I find a Rogue there defending solo. I cap the flag, the premade responds with excessive numbers (noobs) and I work for a kill before I am vaporized:
Here's the 2nd video with some Magey action in Warsong Gulch:
Sorry for the poor video quality. I didn't have a great rig back then, so these were the only 2 videos I Fraps'ed. Thinking back about it, it's a shame that I don't have any videos showing the crazy honor grind. This was way back when honor decayed and everyone on the server had to compete against each other to advance in rank. I have some sweet memories... especially from the epic fights that happened when two honor-grinding premades slammed into each other.
After a crazy (stupid) grind, I got to the rank of Warlord, and felt a (masochistic) sense of achievement. The grind involved running a rag-tag group of PVP-ers consisting of outcasts (WoW was still very much a PVE game at that time so PVPers were often shunned by guilds). Us outcasts tended to hate PVE, and PVP was our main source of fun in the game. We didn't have the fancy, rare and powerful gear that the PVE'ers had. We made do with greens, and whatever we could get our hands on through PVP. We were often outgeared by our opponents, but we made up for it with experience, teamwork and our burning desire to win. The grind was weeks (months?) of savage killing and methodical and efficient winning. All we cared about was getting maximum Honor in the minimum amount of time. Often, scenarios would start and end with barely any killing, because killing was unnecessary. We would win many games with superior CC and teamwork alone. So much so, that we'd sometimes take a break and fight naked, just for laughs. Sometimes the humor would rub off on our opponents, and they'd respond with a dance party at their spawn. As much as I detested the grind, they were good times. I made many good friends (as you would anytime you compete with a team). And I had many good fights.
Then Blizzard announced the Burning Crusade expansion. New levels! New gear! It was a slap in the face to my Mage. He was made obsolete instantly. They let us keep our rank, but it did not mean anything more than just a title over our heads. Random green gear from trash NPCs were better than my Warlord PVP gear. Stripped of my rank and my gear, I quit the game and never looked back.