Thursday, June 11, 2009

Aion 1v1 combat

I pre-ordered Aion last week, and I have since been researching for the right class for me to play.

I was severely disappointed with the Zealot in WAR, since pre-game info and interviews (and even the class details on the *#&$ official website!) had conned me into thinking that there were no healbots in the game, and that the Zealot could be a cross between the WoW Warlock and Shadowpriest --- being complicated but rewarding to play, and a bitch to fight against. Man was I wrong. I was pigeonholed to be a boring healbot because that is the best way a Zealot could contribute to a fight and to his team. I played along for a few months, but after getting the right gear combo, I finally had enough. No more. No more button mashing in boring zergs. No more cheesy skirmishes. No more RVE. No more healbotting. It was time for me to try to find some fun in this broken game.

And here I am now, a month or so after running around soloing/duoing, etc. I'm spent. That was my "hail mary" play to give WAR one last shot. But I see nothing meaningful on the horizon for the Zealot, combat and career cheese dominating, same ol boring zerg RVE, and Mythic shoving Land of the Dead in my face despite the fundamental problems with the game that I have issues with.

Damn, got sidetracked into a rant again. I'm sorry. Anyway, I've been trawling the interwebs for Aion class info, but I found that the web is overflowing with tons of speculation from lowbies who don't know much about their class or the game, and an abundance of anecdotal evidence instead of sound arguments. Most of the gameplay videos (just like WAR gameplay videos) are of people PVEing, or PVPing in lowbie encounters. I absolutely didn't care about PVE, nor about how classes are balanced at lower levels. I wanted to know what the potential and playstyle of each class was at endgame. Most importantly, I didn't want to make the mistake I did in WAR again, by "learning about a class" only by getting to max level.

Fortunately, Aion has already been released in Asia for a while now. That means that people have had more than enough time to work on their characters. Then it occurred to me... I should be looking for KOREAN videos!

I found what appears to be a 3v3 tournament. Except that it's a series of 1v1 fights, until one team has no players left standing. The video was uploaded by "s2dayz". He has uploaded other videos that have given me some valuable info about how each class plays: I initially thought of being a Ranger, but I am leaning more toward the Spiritmaster now.

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