Thursday, June 4, 2009

Black Crag pre-fortress troublemakers

In this episode, Order was trying to lock Black Crag and defense was heavy at each BO. I try to escape the zzzzzzs and run off to look for trouble at the north BO. To my surprise, Andrarlatrip the Chosen follows me. First encounter was against 3 people (2 of which were healers). Outnumbered and without enough damage, we had to keep working them around to create opportunities for some kills. Eventually they get smart and separate the Chosen and me; a KotBS (Knight of the Bullshit Stun/Snare) and a Runepriest join the fight and I am vanquished. I self-rez, regroup with Lylia the Sorceress and we go back to get our Chosen. We get a few more kills, but also pick up a few more adds (probably shouldn't have fought so close to the north BO and Order WC). As we try to maneuver the fight to our advantage, the Knight stuns us and separates us with his super field goal punt. The north BO was getting too hot and we would no longer have the element of surprise, so we left to look for trouble elsewhere after that.

In other news, Lylia somehow managed to obtain a key for Aion's closed beta. She finished installing it last night and is fidgeting for the servers to open (June 5th!).

Also, I clicked the button last night, out of impulse. The pain ends on June 22nd.

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